Staying safe during tick season

picture of woman spraying bug spray

Tick season has arrived in Vermont and New Hampshire.

Going outdoors now requires added vigilance because the greatest risk of getting tickborne diseases is between March and July. That's when the aggressive nymph stage of the black-legged tick is active.

But, warns 十大博彩推荐排名卫生 Infectious Disease Specialist 杰弗里·帕森内特,医学博士, ticks also are present during other months.

“With the warming environment, one can contract a tickborne disease throughout the year,帕森内特说.

Parsonnet shares these tips about tick-borne illnesses and how to avoid them.

Why should we worry about ticks?

Ticks warrant our attention because their bites can result in 5 five diseases in our region: 莱姆病, 无形体病, 巴贝西虫病, 包柔氏螺旋体miyamotoi, 波瓦桑病毒病.

Why are we hearing more about 巴贝西虫病?

巴贝西虫病 has been causing infections along coastal New England for decades; however, we are seeing patient cases more frequently throughout northern New England.

巴贝西虫病 is a parasitic infection (vs. 莱姆病, which is bacterial). It is a bit like a weak cousin of malaria. Most people who get it have a mild form and resolve the infection without treatment. But people with compromised immune systems and the elderly can get severe infections. (Learn more about new treatment for 巴贝西虫病)

How can we identify different types of ticks?

There are websites to help with tick identification, including the 疾病预防控制中心. Ticks can also be submitted to a clinical lab, like the Dartmouth Hitchcock Pathology Lab, through your care provider.

The tick that causes these 5 diseases is the 鹿蜱虫. Deer ticks are smaller than 狗蜱虫. If you find a large tick crawling on your skin, it’s likely a dog tick.

What should we do if we have an attached tick?

Remove it with a good pair of tweezers and be sure to remove the entire tick, including mouth parts that can remain in place after the body is removed. 后删除, dispose of it by putting it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet. If you suspect a tick has been biting more than a day, consider having it identified once you remove it.

What are the symptoms of tick-related illness?

Each tick-borne disease has different symptoms, but flu-like illness (fever, 身体疼痛, headache) that develops during the spring, 夏天, 或下降, 可能是个征兆. Headache, weakness, fatigue, joint aches might also accompany the flu-like symptoms. The primary symptom of 莱姆病 is a flat, expanding red rash.

It is hard to distinguish these diseases on symptoms alone, so consult with your primary care provider if you are concerned.

When should we call the doctor?

Finding an embedded and engorged tick is enough reason to call your care provider because treatment with an antibiotic may be necessary. If any illness with a fever develops during the spring, 夏天, 或下降 that is not clearly caused by something else—like a urinary tract infection or gastrointestinal illness—it also should prompt a call to your care provider.


Avoid grassy, brushy, or wooded areas, walk in the center of trails when hiking. Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin, a type of insecticide. Wear light-colored clothing that makes it easier to see ticks, that covers your arms and legs. Tuck your pants into your socks.

Check your clothing for ticks when coming indoors, then shower soon after and do a full body check. Putting your clothes in the dryer on high heat for 10 minutes will kill ticks. Don’t forget to examine your pets for ticks.

Use an insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or another EPA-registered repellent. 环保局有一个 搜索工具 that can help people find the best product for them.